Thesis Statement Digital 360 Escape Room for Argumentative Writing. Students journey through space, entering spaceships and cool 360 scenes to learn how to write flawless thesis statements. They will have so much fun with this resource they won’t even realize they are learning! It is packed full of activities, puzzles, games, sound effects, clues, and escape codes.
Included: 4 MAIN SCENES (with sound effects in ALL scenes) and navigation/clue sheets. *You can use the Google Slides version of these or the printables 8.5×11.
1– VIRTUAL CLASSROOM- Students will enter the first scene which is a desk in a classroom. Here, they will click icons to learn all about the basics, purpose, and elements of a thesis statement: Topic, Claim, Reasons. If they answer the questions correctly they will get a code that lets them escape into deep space.
2- WHAT ON EARTH IS A THESIS STATEMENT?- Students are hurled into a space scene where they will learn about controversy, choosing topics, and effective argumentation tips.
3- THESIS STATEMENT INVASION- This scene has 5 spaceships. Students will enter each one where they will have to identify the elements of each thesis statement to escape.
4- DEEP SPACE WRITING- In this scene, students will go even deeper into space. There are 5 thesis writing tasks where they will open icons that link them to ProCon.org topics and they will use the info. to write theses for each on their scaffolded templates. This room also includes a video on T.S. and a digital Jigsaw puzzle.
Digital and printable clue sheets that help students navigate the rooms and allow them to respond to questions and activities. (Google Slides and 8.5 x 11 paper.
5- CONGRATULATIONS- Students escape to a welcome back to earth scene where they can watch a hilarious alien video.
6- COMPANION SHEETS- Students easily navigate the room and record their answers using the companion sheets. These come in Google Slides AND printable sheets for those who enjoy writing on paper.
- Embedded Videos (Optional. Youtube required for 2 of them)
- Crossword puzzle with embedded code to escape
- Jigsaw puzzle with code to escape (Must have access to Google Slides OR Jigsawplanet.com)
- Clear instructions on navigation slides/sheets
- Examples and analysis
- Methods and Strategies

Writing a hook is FUN with a Digital 360 Escape Room for Argumentative Writing. Students dive under the sea to learn the methods and process of writing a great hook using games, examples, clues, and puzzles. Students also venture into Bad Hook Swamp to learn what NOT to do when writing hooks and leads. Guaranteed FUN and ENGAGEMENT! NO PREP!
ncluded: 4 SCENES! (with sound effects in ALL scenes)
- UNDER THE SEA- Students learn purpose of hooks and 6 effective methods. Optional YouTube video included. Students will practice each method by choosing from the list of topics and writing a hook for it using the method that pairs best with that particular topic. All writing tasks are typed on their companion Google Slides OR written on printable worksheets.
- BAD HOOK SWAMP- Students learn the common bad hooks and why they are ineffective, then play a bad hook match game.
- VIRTUAL CLASSROOM- Often, students don’t know where to begin. This room teaches students to use the big idea of a thesis statement for the topic of a hook. Prior knowledge of thesis statement NOT required. Thesis statements included.
- CONGRATULATIONS- Students escape to a funny scene of a man catching a fish where they are congratulated on learning to “hook” any reader!
- COMPANION SHEETS- Students easily navigate the room and record their answers using the companion sheets. These come in Google Slides AND printable sheets for those who enjoy writing on paper.
- Embedded Videos (OPTIONAL) This bonus Shmoop video helps visual learners, but those who can’t access Youtube can opt out and still use this resource.
- Interactive Bad Hook Matching Game
- Crossword puzzle with embedded code to escape
- Jigsaw puzzle with code to escape (Must have access to Google Slides OR Jigsawplanet.com)
- Practice writing hooks by pairing up method with topics (included)
- Clear instructions on navigation slides/sheets
- Examples and analysis
- Methods and Strategies

Make learning exciting! Counterclaim 360 Digital Escape Room and Google Slides Workshop. Students journey through medieval villages, castles, dungeons, and cool 360 scenes to learn how to write flawless counterclaims. This resource is packed full of activities, puzzles, games, sound effects, clues, and escape codes.
Students will learn:
- The purpose of writing counterclaims
- Where to place the counterclaim
- To know the opposition
- How to introduce the counterclaim and address
- How to refute a counterclaim
- Methods for writing counterclaims
There are 7 major scenes in this escape and some minor ones:
1-Medieval Village: Begin in COUNTERCLAIM VILLAGE for some foundational lessons on claim, counterclaim, & rebuttal
Each Icon opens a mini-lesson, video, or example.
2-King’s Castle: Once inside the castle, students will find an angry king. They will watch another great video where they will learn that the greatest rap battle ever was won by using counterclaim methods.
They will be banished to the dungeon for the next scene.
3-Dungeon 1: Inside the 1st dungeon, students find a message in a bottle: a lesson on how to use transitions to introduce counterclaim. Students must use this information to escape.
4-Jousting: In this jousting scene, students scroll around finding the counterclaims and must choose the most likely opponent. Then, they will write a refutation for each.
5- Dungeon 2: Back to the dungeon! Here, students will write 4 full counterclaims to original claim prompts. They can use a template if needed!
6-Slay The Dragon: In the final battle scene, students must slay the dragon by completing the puzzles to get escape codes.
7-Congratulations: Feast with the king! Final Scene: If students escape they can join the king and queen for a feast! reap their bag of gold!

Once students have completed the escape rooms, they will be ready to tackle the argumentative essay! This COMPLETE workshop guides students through every paragraph and element of argument writing. Video tutorials (by me) for EVERY section allows for independent, self-paced learning.

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